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Christiansen's Waterfall RSS

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''Indians'' can find it offense in just the slightest way. Some may also find it racist to be call ''redskins'' or ''hawk eyes'' if they find it offensive we should change it.

3 points

According to Paul William Nebraska State Senator, "mascots are not about mocking, not about racism, it is about the history and the back round, if the city has a rich history of Indian's the name should be able to be Indians, not the gladiators or something that has absolutely nothing to do with the town

3 points

Good evidence Ethan. In a small town in West Virginia a high schools football team is was named the fighting gladiators because most of there aunt sisters were gladiators from Rome.

3 points

I think that the mascots should stay as they are now. They mascot gives a brief statement of the history of the town. If they change the mascots to something that has nothing to do with the town or state, they should not even have a mascot. Some people want to change the mascot of the Kansas City Chiefs, but the history of Kansas is rich with native american's and is know for the men from British community to the Indians who were not advanced in a way working together during the good and the bad times

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