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Dsmith's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dsmith's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

or the "As American Indians, we often are treated as a historic relic or mascot," "Sports and politics have a really important intersection. Symbolism really matters." There are other Redskins in the state.

Civil rights

Other Redskins

Origin and Meaning

and this

They say that they should change the name because of this quote “ We deserve to be treated as what we are Americans."Says ABC news

1 point

I agree with Deven because of the Other Redskins and the Origin and Meaning

1 point

"Sports and politics have a really important intersection. Symbolism really matters." There are other Redskins in the state.

2 points

I think that we schoul't because “ We deserve to be treated as what we are Americans."Says ABC news

2 points

"As American Indians, we often are treated as a historic relic or mascot,"

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