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Ms. Phillips Class

20sjohnson's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20sjohnson's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

They say that the driving age should be raised but I disagree with that because once someone turns 16 they were looking forward to getting their license. And be ready to become a good responsible driver. The age limit would change and they won't be able to drive to work or school events and their parents would drive them consistently . Therefore they should learn the responsibility and drive themselves anywhere.

1 point

They say that the driving age should be raised and I agree with that because a 16 year old doesn't have as much of a developed brain as an 18 year old. So 16 year old will have a likely chance of getting in a accident on the highway than an a 18 year old .Therefore by raising the driving age would make the highways much safer.

1 point

They say that the driving age should be raised to prevent so many teens from dying in accidents but I disagree with that because A.J. Rox said most kids start working when they about 16, so how are they supposed to get to work? Therefore kids should be able to drive to work and school events.

2 points

They say that the driving age should be changed and I agree with that because according to Representative John D'Amico from Democrat, Illinois State Legislature he said When Teenagers first get their licences they don’t have as much experience as other are so they get in accidents more. Therefore when people get their drivers license their brains will be more developed.

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