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Ms. Phillips Class

20rvanstrate's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20rvanstrate's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

They say that mascot should be changed but I say they shouldn't because even tho you don't mean to be offensive theres always a chance for stereotyping. Therefore better to be safe than have the chance to hurt someone.

1 point

They say that mascot shouldn't be changed but I say they should because, Some logo are not meant to be offensive but to some people they are. Therefore I think they should be changed.

0 points

Kyle say that people can get offended but I think if Saudi Arabia is no longer under french rule so, Saudi Arabians no longer wore the fez on their headdress. So I think this high school didn’t think it would affect anyone because they don't even wear them anymore. Therefore I think that people like Mr. Cooper's daughter who was offended by the girl that come out looking like a something of a race.

0 points

They say we should change the mascots but I say, no because "most of these schools have had this mascot for over 50-60" years says David Hinkle. Therefore schools should not have to only because of 1 person.

-3 points
0 points

Jack says that Mr, Cooper's daughter was so offended but, David Hinkle graduated from this high school and was proud to have gone to this high school because he was a proud Arab. Also he said that its not indented to be offensives and that it has been like this for 50-60 years. Therefore school are not doing this to purposely hurt someone.

-2 points

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