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Ms. Phillips Class

20nleffel's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20nleffel's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

20mhermes say that Native Americans will be forgotten if mascots were removed, but I think mascot just bring unwanted racism. Because if it wasn't for Native Americans America would have never been explored. "Because virtually the only image that nonnative children view of Native people are of the mascots, most children assume that Native people are dead or were warlike people." -STAR. Therefore Native American mascots will only make things worse

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1 point

20cpendleton says that mascot sometimes mock native Americans, but I think otherwise. Because Mascot offend more than just the people who talk up, think about it there is more people out there to scared to share how offended they are. "If we must show respect to all other groups, why should we be permitted to dismiss political correctness when it applies to Native people?" -STAR - Students and Teachers Against Racism. If we have to respect other races why disrespect native Americans?

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3 points

20rvanstrate said that school mascots aren't mean or racist to the race it represents, but I think it is being mean and racist against the race. Because no other race being a mascot, the reason why is because of people like Andrew Jackson, who was one of the worst enemies of the Native people, and by far the most brutal president towards Native people, collected the noses of every Indian he killed and encouraged the practice of skinning. Therefore mascot are used as a way of racism.

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2 points

20rvanstrate says that mascots shouldn't be change because only one or two people are upset, but I say it should be changed, because Native american children have been pulled out of school because people called them names like “Redskin and Red Boy." Therefore mascots based off of races or even religion would lead to much more racism then they already is.

2 points

They say that naming mascots after races or even referencing races is just in spirit not in vain, but No other races than the “Redskins” were named as a mascot or team, because no other races were hunted or had bounties on them. Therefore making race themed mascots could lead to that races or even other races to retaliate.

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