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20lblough's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20lblough's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Fletcher said that they should put the diving age up but I disagree because it's not the ages driving the car its the people driving the car.

0 points

Evan says that, ages for drivers licenses shouldn't be raised and I agree with all the stuff he said and I think this because I don't think raising it would do anything and the age doesn't do anything its the people driving.

3 points

Therefore, cars would be a lot more helpful than waiting, walking and biking around so like in the winter it would be hard to get around to different places so I think that they should keep the driving age down and keep it where its at.

2 points

Since people are getting in wrecks and getting killed or hurt, people are like taking drivers licenses away from other people that had nothing to do with it and I think that that is not right and I don't think that's right because you can't just blame and take things away from people that has had nothing to do with it so that is not right.

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