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Ms. Phillips Class

20jbuchanan's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20jbuchanan's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Olivia says that they should change controversial mascots. But I say that they should keep them the way they are, because of the history behind their name. I also believe that they should keep them the way they are because many people take it as pride, being able to call yourself the name of a sports/school team. Therefore, more of the people will be happy, the school doesn't change their history/background and many people can wear the pride of having their teachings be the name of a sports/school team.

1 point

Connor says that schools should not have Native American and other hurtful school mascots. But I say that schools should be able to keep their mascots the way they are, because of the fact that very few people are offended of the teams name. I also believe that schools shouldn't change their mascots name because of all the background behind it, one simple change can result on a whole schools history being taken away. Therefore, all mascots "mean" or "not mean" depending on their background should be kept the same and left alone.

1 point

I say that schools should not have offensive native american mascots, because according to Abel Cooper a full-blooded native american man. When he took his daughter to a high school football game and while watching a cheerleader came running out onto the field wearing what looked like a Native American headdress and buckskin clothing. Mr. Cooper said his daughter became so offended, her eyes filled with tears and she asked if they could leave. Therefore, all schools should have a non-offensive mascot that can bring happiness to not most but all of the students and parents.

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