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20bcapper's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20bcapper's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Sam said that we shouldn't change the driving age because 16 year olds need some way to get around if their parents can't take them, but I disagree. I think that they should change the driving age because some parents of teenagers can’t afford a car for their kids, so their kids might feel left out with not being able to use a car at the age of 16. When kids are 16, they are getting their first job, and a lot of things are new, so they don’t make much money to be able to help their parents pay for a car. When they’re 18, they will have more experience with having a job, and they will make more money, so they will be able to help more with the cost of their car.

2 points

Sam said that we shouldn't change the driving age because 16 year olds need some way to get around if their parents can't take them, but I disagree. I think that they should change the driving age because some parents of teenagers can’t afford a car for their kids, so their kids might feel left out with not being able to use a car at the age of 16. When kids are 16, they are getting their first job, and a lot of things are new, so they don’t make much money to be able to help their parents pay for a car. When they’re 18, they will have more experience with having a job, and they will make more money, so they will be able to help more with the cost of their car.

3 points

Fletcher said that they should change the driving age to 18 because the road will be safer, but I disagree. I think the driving age should be left at 16 because when teens are at the age 18, they are more experimental, because they are just getting out of school, and everything is new. That could lead to them wanting to know what would happen if they did something on the road. When kids are 16, they still get worried about little things, and would pay closer attention to little things, because they would be on edge. When teens are 18, they think that they are old enough to do anything, and they can take their lives into their own hands, because they are finally 18. They might take that a little too far, and make some bad decisions. Therefore, leaving the driving age at 16 wouldn't cause for many more crashes than when people are 18.

0 points

Evan says that they shouldn't change the driving age to 18 because teens are inexperienced, it has nothing to do with age, but I think that they should change it to 18 because 16 year olds aren't as mature as 18 year olds, and since they are so young, they get distracted easily. The highest amount of accidents have occurred at the age of 16 than 18 according to Representative John D'Amico

Democrat, Illinois State Legislature, because 18 year olds are more wise and they have had more experience with seeing other people drive, and being more responsible. Therefore, The 18 year olds would be safer drivers and there would be less risk on the road.

20bcapper(6) Clarified
7 points

Therefore, the car would be helpful for the teenagers that would like to get a job and improve on their working skills.

7 points

They say that they should raise the driving age, but I say that they shouldn't raise it because teens need cars to be able to transport themselves from place to place. If the driving age goes up, kids won't be able to get jobs as soon, because they won't have the ability to take themselves there. If kids can't bring themselves to places, they won’t get jobs until they're 18, and it will be very hard for companies to find people to work at their restaurants or stores. Then, that might lead to fewer of those kinds of places.

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