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1 point

I understand your views, but I disagree because your tribe shouldn't be offensive or something you don't want to share, it should be something you are proud of. If someone made a sports team called "The Fighting Tommys" I would be honored, because that shows I am a strong person who doesn't want to give up.

1 point

I disagree, because many mascots that reflect the background of the community could be switched, and by doing "majority rules" you violate the freedom of speech of the team owner, alumni, and current players or donation givers for that sports team. Also, if one school is forced to change mascots, people might force dozens of other schools to change too. This could cause a chain reaction that can hurt freedom of speech, and history of schools.

1 point

I think people should spend less time worrying if they might hurt someones feelings, because people need to learn that people can say what they want, but that doesn't define you. Only your actions define you as a person, and a racial comment won't kill you. In fact, I hear it makes you stronger. According to a Professor at Michigan College, all the money being spent on the topic could go to important things like paying off the billions of debt, or saving lives of kids in Africa. With all the crisis and wars going on, people need to spend less time moping about their raise and more time making the world as a whole better, and not just their feelings better.

1 point

You say that mascots are harmful stereotyping, but I disagree because the people don't have to live in those stereotypes. For example, in an article about the Fighting Arabs, teens from the local high school explain how in that area there was originally a lot of immigrants who came from the Middle East for the oil. The teens tell how their strong background from the Middle East is not affected by the mascot. In fact, it makes them proud that they are from there because it shows how unique they are, and there ancestors hard work in the community. You cannot take away the pride someone has in their ethnicity by saying that they are all "fighters" because by the actions of people in that ethnic group everyone else knows that they are not "fighters" and that they are kind people, and not violent. The members of the ethnic group just can't live under those labels, they have to prove them wrong, which gives them boosts in their future records.

1 point

I think mascots should not change because according to ESPN, if mascots where forced to change bases off of racial remarks and gender, over 17 teams would have to switch emideatly. This takes away history of that team/area, and also freedom of speech. If a professional sports team was forced to change mascots, it would take away the freedom of speech of the owner, because they are being told by the government what to name their privet business. This violates the Bill of Rights, and is just flat out wrong.

1 point

I think that mascot should stay, because if one mascot had to go almost all would. For example, Duke Blue Devils and Arizona St. Sun Devils might offend Christians. Notre Dame Fighting Irish might offend Irish people, calling them all short and violent. And the New York Yankees can't possibly be aloud to be a constant reminder of those in the South that they lost the Civil War. If one mascot was forced to change, a lot more would, causing a domino reaction. Soon, the Wisconsin Badgers would be forced to change because it reminds all the loggers who suffered long winters living in "badger dens" (the homes they lived in during logging seasons).

0 points

I think that schools should be aloud to keep their mascots because in some cases the mascot is just because it looks "too male or too Caucasian. People are becoming too sensitive about race and making it out to be something that you want to almost hide, when your race should be something you are proud of because of your history and ethnic backgrounds.

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