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1 point

Although some people feel proud to be in that situation, but some people are suffering to be stable when they see things like mascots. That article is talkiing about how they live without anyone saying things about them. They might feel more like they really belong in their community but if they get offended, that could be very disrespectful to them. How would you feel if you were being offended and labled for something you are not?

1 point

Native Americans view mascot names as offensice, racist, and demeaning. According to Mr. Cooper, a Native American, brought his daughter to a football game. A cheer leader was dressed in something like an Indian headdress and Indian clothing. His daughter was in tears and asked her dad if they could go home. Although some peopple have made and effort to dismiss these names, the names always end up coming back. For example, they might say it is a positive symbol or it may be voted back. Native Americans find this very disrespectful. They have their own culture and traditions. Part of the problem is that people show the Native Americans in a foolish way. They have people thinking differently of who they really are. American Indian mascots promote negative stereotypes . Not only do mascots like the Coachella Valley high schools mascot, which is basicly an angry arab head, but they also offend other cultures like Muslims. The Coachella Valley high schools' mascot is wearing a headscarf just like Muslim women. Therefore, these mascots should be banned because it gives people negative stereotypes and is very disrespectful and stereotypical.

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