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RSS 19akilishek

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

I disagree Peoples feeling a very much more important in some ways because there are kids everyday who feel depressed and have a very low self esteem because of all the stereo typing. It is the same thing as going up to a child or teen who has been bullied a lot and telling them there feelings don't matter, Imagine if someone told you that you didn't matter and that we could be spending money on something way better than you.

1 point

I think that there should be a change because according to a survey in Boise Idaho 55.9% of people said that the teams the Washington niggers, Washington wet bats, and the Washington redskins are disrespectful and very dishonoring. Therefore i think that there should be a change because many people think it is disrespectful.

1 point

I see what you are saying but I think that there should be a change because it is almost the same if someone called you a mean name as it is calling a indian a red skin.

1 point

I agree American Indians are people not mascots and are deserved to be treated like Americans. I think this because they are just as human as they are and if you were treated like someone who doesn't exist unless people see a mascot life would be pretty depressing. Therefore Indians or any race should not have a mascot to cover there real identity.

1 point

I see what you are saying but i think that there should be a change because It goes against morals and respect that schools teach. In fact in Boiceville N.Y board members including Margret Carey tried to get rid of their tomahawk mascot resulting in nails in her tires and other board members cars keyed. This is happening while the school is trying to teach the kids how to not do all of the things the teachers were doing. Therefore I think there should be a change because it teaches children things against there morals.

1 point

I see what you are saying but i think there should be a change because most mascots aren't just to male or to Cajun it usually is calling them a disrespectful name like red skin or just a tribe name.

2 points

I agree with Madison because According to even the Wisconsin state law declares certain mascots as insulting, and can cause damage to childrens selfesteems.

Supporting Evidence: (
0 points

I think that there should not be racial mascots because it can be a harmful from of stereotyping. According to Dr. Friedman a NPR scientist racial mascots makes self esteem, belief in the community,and thoughts about others go down. ALong with the psychological mindset of kids and teens.

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