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1 point

Claire makes a good point, but some teens get cigarettes some how. I don't think we should change the driving age, because, it is not solving anything. According to UPFRONT's article if someone close to you robs a bank should you go to jail? If a stranger across the country dies in a car crash, should all teens be punished and for future generation? Therefore, not everyone should be punished for others reckless driving, and bad judgement.

1 point

I know what you mean, but I disagree. We shouldn't change the driving age to 18 because, imagine your 20 and you in college, you have had your license for 2 years and it's your 21 birthday but you don't drive much because everything is in walking distance. Then you have drunk driving, reckless driving, and most likely a fatal car crash.

1 point

I understand your point but, I don't know if I can trust your information. I have nowhere to check if it is true or not. I don't think that we should change the driving age because according to Standard-Examiner's article behavior in teens (16-17) are just as risky as most people in early 20's.

1 point

I agree with 19chunstiger, age doesn't matter, its the experience of the driver. That is the only reason 16 year old crash is because they are not experience enough in snow, ice, rain. In Texas if there is any snow there are a lot of car crashes because they don't know how to drive in it. Therefore, its about experience in all types of weather.

1 point

I agree with Chloe, changing the age doesn't help, its the experience and how responsible student drivers are. According to Standard-Examiner's article the death rate of 18 year old will rise and 16 year old will decrease but we are just giving them another 2 years before they will crash. Therefore, it's based on experience not the age.

1 point

I see what your saying but I disagree. I believe that we shouldn't change the driving age, because according to Cincy School Zone article it is about better highways, seat belt laws, and much safer vehicles. Not the age. Therefore by doing easy things we can save lives.

1 point

I see you point 19ljohnson. But I believe that we should not change the driving age because according to UPFRONT article, if only a few people make a mistake should everyone be punished by changing the driving age. Therefore, all the future generations shouldn't pay for others mistakes.

2 points

I see where you are coming from. But I believe that it is not about maturity it is about experience. Changing the age to 18 doesn't help. The death rate for 18 will rise, then what do we do? Change it even higher? If we change it any higher drunk driving and inexperience would cause more and more worse chaos. So why change it if we are only going to cause more chaos. Therefore it doesn't matter about maturity, its about chaos.

2 points

I believe that we should not change the driving age, because it is not helping the experience it is only delay before their deaths. Therefore the government should not change the driving age because we are not solving the problem only delaying.

Supporting Evidence: Driving Age Should Not be Changed (

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