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19kbechyne's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I see where you are going with this Lauren, but I disagree with you, because anyone with this kind of pressure could break down. And at the age of 15 there are a lot of kids who are mature enough to know the rules of the road and handle being under pressure.

1 point

I believe that the driving age should not be raised to 18 years old. Because according to Kallina K. from "teens all over the country are learning how to drive and using this skill in everyday activity's"... I agree with Kallina because I know that I am in a lot of extra activity's after school, and sometimes I don't have a ride to get there. Which is a problem. Also according to the website most kids at the age of 16 are mature enough to drive,and know the rules of the road because in order to get there license teenagers need to go through a class to learn the rules of the road. therefore i believe that the driving age should not be raised to 18 years old because, teenagers need a way to get to extra activity's after school, they cant always rely on their parents.

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