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19jdupont's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19jdupont's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

19cpeterson Says that raising the driving age will not help save lives but I disagree because kid that are 16 have the highest annual car crash rate in their age group. There for if they were given 2 more years it would make an impact.

1 point

What 19ddeboer says is true since 16 year old's are still not mature enough there will be a problem with there ability to learn how to drive.

2 points

What you say about practice is true but when your 16 or 15 your brain has not yet fully developed. But when you're 18 you are a mature adult.

2 points

What you say about practice is true but when your 16 or 15 your brain has not yet fully developed. But when you're 18 you are a mature adult.

1 point

19nbrant said that maturity doesn't matter but says that between 1995 and 2004 there were 30,917 fatality that involved 15-17 year old drivers.

1 point

They say that the driving age should stay the same but I say that the driving age should be raised 2 years because that is technically when kids turn to adults. And also the older someone is the more mature and responsible you are. There for if we raise the age kids will drive more responsibly.

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