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Ms. Phillips Class

19ctwomey's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I agree with you but I have to disagree also it is not punishing them it is simply trying to keep things safe today there are a lot more things or more dangerous things that happens out when you are driving also that not saying that this is not still correct but that was over 10 years ago and i bet if you look at it now there are a lot more things that have happened since 1995

1 point

A lot of people have been saying that it is not because of maturity but It really is you don't see 12 year old driving around so if it wasn't about maturity then why don't we start driving at 13 or 14 why is it that it is 16 I also don't think it would be a big change if we changed it to 18 because when I commented earlier you can get your permits around 16 you just don't start driving tell you are 18.

1 point

I also think they don't let 16 year old buy cigarettes and all of the bad things kids should not be using at a young why would they put them in charge of a car that could also potentially be fatal to and a weapon like anything else.

3 points

Well if they raise the age they can get there permits by the time they are 16 which helps them mature more and get more experience when they are older.

1 point

I think that states should change the driving age to eighteen the reason why I think this is because between 1995-2004 there were 330,917 deaths or injury's that involved 15-17 year old drivers.

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