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19chunstiger's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19chunstiger's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Though there are some responsible, teen drivers, I do agree with the 61% of people interviewed that said the driving age should be raised for these 3 reasons. 1. there are those few teens that are reckless and careless when driving. 2. 64 out of 100k teens were involved in fatal car accidents in their first year of driving. 3. 59 out of 100k teens where in accidents in their second year of driving. That adds up to be a lot of teens in the end and a lot of accidents.

1 point

they say that 33% of car accidents are caused by teens because of their lack of experience. I agree with that, but i also don't. There are still the responsible drivers at the age of 16. says that the responsible age for teens is 16. This is the age where they can get jobs and drive. Therefore the government should let teens grow into mature people otherwise society will get no where

Supporting Evidence: Teenns are responsible Enough to drive at 16!! (
1 point

I think that the government should not change because teens need some responsibility. If they aren't responsible at 16 who said they will be in two more years? Also Kid's parents got to drive at 16, so why punish kids today? 46% of people in 1995 said that the driving age should be 16.

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